Derek Adkin
LLB Solicitor (Non Practicing), Licenced Conveyancer
Law Is A Way Of Life
Overview And Experience

Derek Adkin qualified as a Solicitor in 2004 and is one of our UK Consultants
Whilst employed in solicitors’ practices Derek specialised in Conveyancing, Wills, Probate and Trusts, as well as working in the County Court, Magistrates Court and at Employment Tribunals.
In 2010 Derek formed his own company and is the Managing Director of DRA Legal.
As a Licensed Conveyancer and full Member of the Institute of Professional Will writers, Derek operates in Conveyancing and Wills, Estate Planning and Powers of Attorney.
In today’s highly regulated legal environment, much of Derek’s work focus is in ensuring the quality of the work carried out for clients, whilst complying with the many legal and regulatory obligations upon regulated law firms.
Practical services & advices include:-
– for clients who are largely resident in Thailand, but who still have UK Assets?
- where you have family in the UK and you wish to make provision for them via a UK Will;
- Do you need legal representation in a UK property sale, or transfer?
- Have you lost a loved one or family member in the UK, and need a Grant of Probate?
- Do you wish, or need, to have a lasting power of attorney (‘LPA’) in place, whether for yourself or perhaps for the benefit of your own parents or other loved one?
As Derek is one of our UK Consultants he is fully regulated and licensed in the work he carries out.
Find out more about our Consultants and our Alternate Business Structure consultant referral and introduction arrangements for legal services, via UK based professionals, including:- DRA LEGAL
CONSULTANTS AND REFERRAL ARRANGEMENTS – Isaan Lawyers – Attorneys and Lawyers in Thailand